There must be something more

The journey began nearly three decades ago as an idea – “there must be something more.”

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About Me

I am Frank Byrum, a scientist and technologist and I have spent the last four-decades on a spiritual journey, the last few of which have been focused on deep self-healing.

For years, I have shared my understanding with friends, family, students, and associates, in small groups and with students on a one-on-one basis.

I earnestly belief everyone can benefit from the foundation of practical daily spiritual practice and it’s the best way to “be in the world, but not of the world.”

Today, my daily practice includes tea, breath work, prayer and meditation, martial arts katas, Qi-Gong energy work, and wisdom studies from a variety of traditions.

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Recent Posts

The editorial-self

A close friend and partner used this term years ago: editorial self. And at once I understood, a brief flash of light. The editors-self is the you that everyone sees as you navigate your day. It's the you at home with your partner or rather who you...

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Nothing New

Everything I’m going to say in this blog is not new.  It has been said before in nearly every culture and religion, and in every way humanly possible. If there is any “new” message it might be this: it is easier to seek, than to practice. I, and...

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Destination Thinking

I am deeply aware that the 1st half, or rather most of my life, was lived in destination thinking. “What is this destination thinking?” It is a life that is always lived for something in the future, a future time or place. It’s easy to...

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Awareness: Self-Awareness

With this post, I’m beginning a tagged series about Self-Awareness.  My hope is to share actual experiences and insights into my own self-awareness with minimal editing and allow everyone to see the questions I ask myself through the process.  ...

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