The must be something more
The journey began nearly three decades ago as an idea – “there must be something more.”
And so, it began with one idea and a step, albeit a small step – to search. I wouldn’t run away or drown myself in drugs, alcohol, or sex – or even over correct by leaning too far to the right or the left.
Honestly, I really didn’t understand what to do – something was wrong, something was very wrong.
Life was not working out. Later the understanding became clear – the editorial self – that idea you “sell others” – was out of control. The unconscious had consumed nearly every aspect of existence.
Outside – I was getting by; however inside – I hated it all.
And then it got worse. Much worse.
So, began the The Journey on the Mindful Pathway.
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Broken Vases: Struggle and Recovery
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” ...
10% is not enough or I could’t take the abuse anymore
“…I couldn’t take the abuse anymore…”
Awareness: Two experiences, same day.
Today, two experiences – similar places, very difference responses. The first was receptionist was...
How to start a meditation practice
Set aside at least 30-minutes and find a quiet place to reduce distractions; if all you have is 15 minutes, a coffee break, time for a quick snack – use that. Time – Give yourself some time where there is nothing you must do or nothing...
The Busy Mind
3am again and the mind literally has "a mind of its own." For years, a few hours of restless sleep followed by a thinking mind at 3am - why always the same cycle? Sound familiar? It seemed to never stop. The idea of being still was...