What is your uncomfortable sock?

Apr 21, 2024 | Awareness, Daily Practice, Journey

I woke up exhausted this morning after a fitful night’s sleep. An uncomfortable sock was the culprit. This discomfort nestled inside my cast. I’ll save that story for another time.

I have a cool cast—an Aircast—a plastic and Velcro marvel of science that resembles Vogue’s take on Frankenstein’s footwear. Its greatest advantage is the air pump that allows two air bladders, one on each side of the foot, to provide soft cushions of comfort.

Getting into this contraption involves folding, strapping, and Velcroing the various parts, then pumping up to the desired comfort level.

In recovery, stacks of pillows elevate my leg in the cleverly designed cast, which seems comfortable only for a nanosecond, even less so with an uncomfortable sock.

Writing about this in my journal, I realized how often I (we) go through life with an uncomfortable sock. This small discomfort makes life irritating.

It’s all the small things.

Not saying what’s on your mind and bearing the discomfort because it’s just too complicated to address.

It’s the recurring minor relationship issue that isn’t a big problem, but it sort of becomes the big problem because it represents the big problem. It’s the little things that accumulate into the big thing.

It’s all the things we tolerate in life, trying to be nice, and these things invade our thoughts and psyche—repeating over and over. And I wonder why I devote so much mental energy to these little annoyances, yet it seems there is a little demon on my shoulder repeating the same blah blah every few minutes—it’s the squeaky wheel.

Why didn’t I fix the uncomfortable sock, you might ask?

Because I would have had to get up, turn the light on, grab the crutches, hobble over to get another sock, hobble back, remove the Aircast, replace the sock—the real painful part of the experience—and rejigger the contraption back onto my leg, reposition the pillows, and the covers.

It seemed too hard to fix, but it wasn’t.

And by living with the uncomfortable sock, I didn’t sleep all night.

So, what is your uncomfortable sock you need to deal with?

What little thing is really a big thing in your life?

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