Awareness: Puppy Joy

Oct 25, 2021 | Awareness, Daily Practice, Mindless

While I have often talked about Mindlessness, I want to acknowledge there are very Mindful awareness also.

Every morning, I’m up early for Daily Practice with a cup of tea and usually a sleepy beagle puppy will drag into the room and jump up, expect a big hug, curl up beside me, place her head on my lap, and dream.

My favorite is her chasing dreams where her feet move, and she has the whisper baying snoring sound.

This morning, I noticed how joyful her presence made me feel.  I truly miss her when she sleeps in and doesn’t join me.  And my heart smiles as she interrupts my morning, often jumping up on my right side and walking across my books and papers to settle on my left.

Her company truly is a mindful experience, and it is joyful, even if I’m deep in thought.

She is good at knowing when I need love and often jumps up beside me and leans into my chest and waits for the hug.  Funny thing is she always grumbles a little at the hug and yet always seems to know that is what I need.

Puppy Joy is the best!

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