I took a break or rather, I gave myself permission to take a break.
So, if you need permission, then download this Rx Script.
Years ago, I was chatting with a friend who was contemplating a quick return business around Christmas. His idea was simple: purchase boxes of tree lights and add a sticker: disposable.
His explanation was simple, marketing is all about permission; and in this case, he was giving people the permission to throw away the Christmas tree with the lights.
Other than the obvious environmental travesty, I liked the idea.
Recently, I gave myself permission to take a day off and do nothing. And it was all I had hoped it would be.
I just didn’t do much, slept in late, went to the coffee shop, listening to music, went out for dinner, and in bed early with a book. It was awesome.
I also gave myself permission to take a break from many things in life, including this blog and writing. I spent weeks getting up, driving to a coffee shop, going to work, then home for dinner and to bed early.
In short, in every area of my life possible; I took a break for a short season.
Afterwards, I took an account of all the activities I had been doing, reviewed each, and slowly began some, not all, of them again.
I needed the break to feel like me again; I had lost that somehow.
Don’t you need a break? Today?